Thursday, 31 March 2011

Crochet finger puppets

I made these months ago for J. Now O is enjoying them. Rabbit, mouse, pig (under little hand), duck, and tiny elephant.

Swirling Glitter Vortex Bottles

A fun project, J enjoyed helping me to fill the bottles. Although my objective was to create a toy for baby O, it was nice to find that J wanted to keep one too. So new toys all round!

I've used two tone glitter in each one, white and red in the left hand bottle, blue and gold in the middle, green and gold on the right (tribute to Australia). Also a few pinches of sequins (stars and circles). 

They don't photograph well, but are very satisfying to play with. I'd like to get a big pop bottle to make a huge one some time.

Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Space Sandwiches

I'm keen to encourage J to eat more for lunch, and especially in his packed lunches, which he takes to preschool and brings home practically untouched.

Today we played Sandwich Making; I cut bread into small squares (two or three bites worth a piece) then cut bacon into the same size. Stacked up the constituent parts and let him build his own simple bacon sarnie . He ate one of them, so I guess that's progress. If he can understand hour to build his own sandwiches perhaps he can play the game at preschool. That's the plan!

I's like to make a felt sandwich making game (Space Sandwiches as all my felt is in crazy colours, purple tomatos, orange bread, green bacon) too so that he can play between meals! So far I've cut some shapes, but no time to make it up. Hopefully when hubby returns from his current overseas trip I might get some progress in the evenings.

Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Planet Kid Craft Welcomes Careful Drivers

I've spent most of my adult life not quite doing what I want to do; working an office job instead of crafting up a storm. Now, approaching my 35th birthday, and with two busy boys to look after I've decided to try ever so hard to express the creativity that nags me on a daily basis. It won't be easy! The boys are still very little (J is 3 years old, O is 8 months) and looking after them is a full time job. I expect my first attempts may be posted unfinished but I won't let that stop me. If I can begin a project or even just blog my ideas then it will be a step in the right direction.

And now, to celebrate the commencement of this new blog and new resolution, here is my tea box marble run, work in progress, and a green & gold egg cosy bunny made out of felt.

The bunnies: Here you see the first attempt (too small for the egg) and the final cosy. Result = total egg consumption. This project was completed while O slept in his wrap. 

The marble run made from a Tick Tock Redbush tea box is for my elder son.  There's a fair bit of careful cutting and gluing involved so I'm not sure when it will get finished. Maybe when the kids both go to University...

Baby wakes, so that's all for now.